We count every dead woman & every raped woman.
Follows each case here..
We count every dead & every molested Child.
Follows each case here..
Every year women are killed by men they lived with and loved. It is mothers, sisters and daughters where a man has taken the right to decide that they should no longer exist.
And the deadly violence against women only continues. This despite repeated promises from politicians to stop men’s violence against women.
Our names are Dr. Khaula Walayat and Shani Rehman and we promise to count every woman killed by the once they trusted.
Updated March 28, 2024
Updated March 28, 2024
Every year a large volume of vulnerable children are either killed or molested by the ones who are supposed to protect them.
And the crime seems continously unharnessed and the perpitrators remain at large or get away from the loose justice system. This despite repeated promises from politicians and repeated legislative and politive efforts..
We promise to work until every child in Pakistan is protected and given all facilities to achieve his full potential.
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